I have now been a LuLaRoe Consultant for several months and I love it but it is hard work. I was a LuLaRoe addict long before I was a consultant. The consultants I shopped from appeared to be selling alot. I watched the Buy Sell Trade groups and eBay and saw leggings selling for over $50. I paid over $50 for several pair myself. I guess I thought I would be selling those unicorns and making a lot of money on them. But in reality we don't get many unicorns in our shipments and we can't sell on eBay and we can't sell anything at different prices than what LuLaRoe tells us. So I quickly realized that I wasn't going to super busy selling unicorns all the time. That I was going to have to go find the customers if I wanted to sell. So that's what we do as LuLaRoe Consultants we go find customers, they don't come and find us. I have a Facebook page, a store in my home and I use every social media platform there is. I post at least weekly if not daily sometimes. The clothes do not sell themselves we have to work at it. We are up with the sun and work all day and sometimes all night. Many consultants have real jobs and have to work twice as hard. I feel sorry for them because I can barely keep up and I don't have a real job. I am not busy selling I am busy trying to sell. I have a Facebook Boutique with 4000 members in it, but they don't shop. They never shop in my group. Some of them respond when I do giveaways maybe 400 will want to win so they comment but otherwise they are not there in my group. They don't shop my albums even when I post a New Inventory graphic and tell them I have brand new leggings. LuLaRoe customers shop only in Multi Consultant events or somewhere else, but not in most of our groups. All of the consultants I know say the same thing, our groups are nothing buy silence, like we are talking to ourselves when we post something.
When I received my first order I hurried and took pictures and posted them and waited and waited for my first sold comment. I realized after about a week that they didn't seem to know I was there. So I posted a giveaway. Then some of them responded. Then I did some loops and started my Facebook ad campaign. I did a giveaway of leggings for a year for having people add their friends and family. OH my, don't do what your sponsors do all the time. It's not always a good idea. I had people mad about being added and it will cost me a lot to send 3 people leggings for a year. My sponsor and our Team Trainer did the same giveaway so I did it too. But I quickly regretted it and so did my sponsor. After a long time of silence in my group and no sales just giveaways, I found the sign up on our Team's main FB group for Multi Consultant events. I signed up for one multi consultant event each night. That was ok but I was still only selling 3-4 items an night or sometimes nothing at all. So I started signing up for 3-4 multi's a night I have been doing 3-4 multi's a night for several months now. I sell maybe 6-7 items on a good night now. It is a lot of work to do multi consultant events. It takes a lot of time to load pictures in to the group and then we have to watch our notifications hoping we don't miss them. Just signing up for events takes me about 2 hours a week to search for them and go through the rules and then sign up. We try to keep our calendars full all the time but of course we always hope for a Pop Up or something else to come along too. We had some awful months during the summer and non of us sold a ton of stuff. I did some sales on my Facebook Group just to see if anyone was actually ever going to buy. Well of course they buy when it is on sale. I have had a few people come and shop in my home Boutique and that is awesome. I can sell the clothes cheaper in my home. We are not allowed to advertise or even post once our sale prices so people have to pm us. I love helping people save money so I get excited when they shop in my home. I am not trying to discourage people from signing up to be a consultant but if you are signing up because someone told you that the clothes sell themselves they are not telling you the truth. The clothes cannot sell themselves. You have to find someone to see the clothes and hope they want to buy them.